Thursday, January 11, 2007

Hatha Jodi

There are two things that I'd been saying I'd done, which really meant I'm probably doing them tomorrow so they're as good as done, which I forgot to do for a lot of "tomorrows" so I was kinda lying. By mistake. Don't worry, I'll get to the luck part in a minute, but first I've got to come clean.

First big fat lie: saying since early November that I'd signed up for cleaner electricity in order to do part of my part in saving the people on the planet whom I like. Anyway, I did a lot of "since switching to Bullfrog" talk months before I finally sent in my void cheque. Yesterday. Yay Bullfrog Power. Yay me. But still, curse anything that requires you to remember to bring in a void cheque. Seriously.

Second big fat lie: saying I'd bought my kids' names as domain names since early December. I did that 2 days ago. It's done. Ha! You can't have or for 10 years minimum, buddy. So there! (no, I'm not going to link the URLs, there's nothing there, but if you don't believe I own them yet, go ahead and check, I totally understand). On a happy note, you can't have the guinea pigs either believe it or not, 'cause someone else got 'em... oh does that ever feel lucky lucky lucky...but of course that's another story.

Anywayyyyy... now that i've unburdened myself of much of my guilt, here's the real luck moment... I was all like, "might as well buy" 'cause, uhhh, 'cause... anywayyyyy the point is, it's not available. Some dude in India bought HUH? Why? So I googled it, and as it turns hatha jodi is a rare Indian root-slash-herb that is supposed to bring luck. How crazy is that?!? Hatha jodi looks like this:

I'm planning a jaunt over to Little India to figure out what/how one cooks with hatha jodi. You should come for dinner. It's sure to be the luckiest meal ever!!

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